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Education/Employment Committee

*Tom Blank
Luke Burbach
*Adam Haugen
Brett Heisler
Andrea Kloppman-Heit (Regional Staff)
Jay Meyerhoff
Nathan Ollhoff
Jack Wawro
Jake Wherley

Player Development Committee

Luke Elfner
*Kellie Hoiness
Jennifer Huber
Justin Kraft
Benny Menton
*Savannah Nelson
Matt Sandquist
Jeff Sorenson

Junior Golf Committee

Tim Anderson
Ty Armstrong
Matt Cook
*Andy Gerber
Matt Hauge
Tommy Koehler
Pat Markley
David Plotnik
Ryan Sharpe

Tournament Committee

Eric Chiles
Jason Crisp
*Grant Hanson
Derek Holmes
Jesse Nelson
Dave Podas
Eric Rolland
Johnny Schwaller
Bennett Smed


*Chair of the committee